My New York State of mind at the Columbia University commencement

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, CITY OF NEW YORK UNIVERITY COMMENCEMENT MAY 18, 2022 As we waited with bated breath for the Academic Procession to start the excitement of the Graduates and their friends and families was palpable. Dressed in their Sunday best the guests peered over the hundreds of bobbing heads to see if they could identify their own progeny from among the couple of thousands gathered in their distinctive blue University academic regalia or robe, waving balloons and flags. Draped in a golden yellow traditional Saree from Kerala that was shining in the spring sunlight I watched with pride as I ruminated over the more personal departmental ceremony that was held a couple of days back where the students were called to the podium and felicitated for the good work they had done to complete their graduation. The air was mesmerising on both the days, with blue skies and white clouds and spring in the air added to the happiness all around. A batch of students who h...