Thoughts from life
When doing simple things in life one comes across solutions for complex problems -
Like for example; unravelling a line of stitching. It is only with guidance one comes to know that this is a simple task if done from the right side but can get awfully complicated from the wrong side. Also when doing it the right way if one faces difficulties try from another spot. Choose a spot away from a point where one desires it to be unravelled, insert the hook and pull, not too hard that it will break. One gets the clear picture of the line of stitching, making sure that what is being pulled is the stitch and not the warp or weft of the cloth. Now pull hard enough to break the thread and then choose the spot that is crumpled due to the pull and hook the thread and pull. In this way one can unravel the whole line in seconds. If one gets to a point of difficulty leave that after a few attempts and go to another spot to come back later when most of the line of stitching has come off from the reverse side.
In doing such a simple task with patience one can understand many things - first and foremost the love and dedication with which one does the job, as it is one’s own possession, ensures that the dress is not roughly handled and torn by mistake. Secondly if faced with a situation where a mistake has happened in a project, by taking one step backwards one realizes the similarity in the situation and can handle it in an intelligent manner instead of getting upset and loosing focus.
Often in life simple tasks are a microcosm of complex tasks as is everything else in this universe.
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