
 Waking up early this morning I curiously opened the messages.  A video of girls being interviewed popped up. They were proudly declaring their choice of drinks. I was struck by the casual manner in which they were projected in the media without hiding their identity. During the discussions that ensued in the group several issues came up starting with gender issues, parental control, drugs not to speak of political parties taking mileage of such issues etc. 


Elders seem to feel that today’s youngsters are a confused lot with no idea of their priorities. Many parents forget to live, sacrificing their time and money to their duties of bringing up the next generation, imposing their hopes and desires on them. To justify the need for parental control another video showing girls gorging on food and drinks in a toddy shop was also circulated. It could be such videos are fake, circulated to instigate ire against girls in general in a society where men feel they are losing control or politicians feel it’s a topic they can create enough havoc to gather votes during the next elections. Whatever be it, the surprising fact is the reaction of a section of society comprised of educated women. “The girls in the video have become the norm and they should be punished for trying to bring gender parity in this manner!” It is definitely not the way to get one up on the men if that is the intention of the girls. However it set me thinking of their reaction if the same videos were made with boys.


Drinks and drugs are a menace no doubt in today’s Kerala. Handling these issues in such patriarchal manner does not solve the problem. Maturity, and wisdom that comes with it, are necessary ingredients. A society that lives with blinkers on their eyes  will only be a retrograde society. Women have to come forward and occupy their rightful place on the table on all occasions. They have a right to be heard on issues concerning them or on issues in which they have the expertise. They have a right to expect respect for their career and time and space to pursue their interests. Society has to come forward for this. We, in Kerala, have more women than men. It is time we made this our strength.


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